
The goal of our company is comprehensive supplies of medical equipment, certified service and warranty service of professional medical equipment.

Company details

Below are the details of the company, if you need to obtain additional documents: certificate of state registration, tax identification number, you can contact the accounting department of the enterprise. 

Full name: Closed Joint Stock Company "Modus"
Short name: CJSC Modus
TIN/KPP: 6672194069/668501001
ORGN: 1056604467567
Legal address: Yekaterinburg, st. Tveritina, 19 
The actual address: Yekaterinburg, st. Stepan Razin, 128 
Phone, fax: Office in Moscow: +7 (499) 391-25-16, +7 (912) 208-32-10 
Office in Yekaterinburg: +7 (343) 317-47-20 (21, 22)
Representative in the Republic of Kazakhstan: +7 (777) 005-38-94, +7 (912) 208-32-10
Bank details: BIC 044525823
R/s №40702810600000068391 BANK GPB (JSC),
Kor/account 30101810200000000823