Company details
Below are the details of the company, if you need to obtain additional documents: certificate of state registration, tax identification number, you can contact the accounting department of the enterprise.
Full name: | Closed Joint Stock Company "Modus" |
Short name: | CJSC Modus |
TIN/KPP: | 6672194069/668501001 |
1056604467567 |
Legal address: | Yekaterinburg, st. Tveritina, 19 |
The actual address: |
Yekaterinburg, st. Stepan Razin, 128 |
Phone, fax: |
Office in Moscow: +7 (499) 391-25-16, +7 (912) 208-32-10 Office in Yekaterinburg: +7 (343) 317-47-20 (21, 22) Representative in the Republic of Kazakhstan: +7 (777) 005-38-94, +7 (912) 208-32-10 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Bank details: |
BIC 044525823 R/s №40702810600000068391 BANK GPB (JSC), Kor/account 30101810200000000823 |