The service center of CJSC "Modus" provides comprehensive services for warranty and post-warranty maintenance of medical equipment.
We pay great attention to the issues of delivery support and training, consulting support and user support, warranty and service maintenance.
Service centers and spare parts warehouses have been set up in the cities of Omsk, Kurgan, and Almaty in order to promptly resolve the moments of operation and timely provision of spare parts and consumables. Service engineers have been trained at manufacturing plants, their qualifications are confirmed by relevant documents and certificates. The service department has a license for the maintenance and repair of medical equipment, which makes it possible not only to independently ensure the installation of equipment at the places of delivery, but also to ensure the repair of equipment under agreements concluded with medical institutions. In addition, the Service Department is authorized by manufacturers to conduct trainings for the engineering staff of clinics and partner firms with the issuance of certificates-permits for diagnostics, maintenance and repair of equipment. This allows us to increase the number of qualified specialists in the regions, which means that we can quickly respond to all emerging issues of operation and provision of spare parts.
Practitioners are actively cooperating with companies, always ready to help users, provide consulting support, train medical personnel and nurses on how to use the devices and their maintenance, give professional recommendations on treatment methods, share the experience of colleagues, help make a choice in favor of one or another equipment based on an objective assessment of its technical characteristics.
We invite to cooperation medical institutions, suppliers of honey. technicians, specialists of ministries of health and departments of educational institutions.
We express our readiness to conduct events to train engineering and medical personnel to conduct master classes, organize and participate in seminars and conferences & nbsp; on the transfer of treatment methodology using high-tech equipment to save people's lives.
- Application
- Consultation
- Onsite diagnostics
- Repair
We install, configure, maintain and repair medical equipment.
All operations are carried out in strict accordance with the technical regulations and frequency established by the manufacturer, using proprietary tools and original spare parts.
All work related to preventive maintenance and repair of equipment is carried out as quickly as possible, agreed by the parties on the terms, schedule and conditions that are convenient for the client.
The service center of CJSC "Modus" carries out commissioning of equipment of foreign and Russian production, purchased:
- At UAB "Modus"
- Third party provider
Types of equipment
- Resuscitation equipment
- Surgical equipment
- Neonatal equipment
- Ultrasonic equipment
- Gynecological equipment
- Urological equipment
Main stages of work
- Checking room readiness
- Assessment of completeness and technical condition
- Hardware setup and installation
- Training of medical staff
- Remote technical support
The service center of ZAO "Modus" is:
- Skilled engineers
- Prompt travel to any point of the Russian Federation, including remote regions
- Competent consultation and quick calculation of the cost of work
- Required licenses and certificates
The service center of CJSC "Modus" carries out scheduled and urgent repairs of medical equipment:
- Resuscitation equipment
- Surgical equipment
- Neonatal equipment
- Ultrasonic equipment
- Gynecological equipment
- Urological equipment
Repair of other types of equipment is agreed individually.
The service center of CJSC "Modus" carries out repairs of medical equipment of leading world and Russian manufacturers.
Repair in the service center of CJSC "Modus" is:
- Warranty for all types of work
- Repair on site or at Modus service center
- Original spare parts
- Repair according to manufacturer's standards
- Quick calculation of the cost of work
The service center of CJSC "Modus" provides prompt and scheduled maintenance of medical equipment anywhere in Russia. Warranty service. Post-warranty service.
Wear and tear of equipment is a natural process that any medical organization faces.
Preventive maintenance is the best way to prevent major technical problems in the future. Scheduled inspections can significantly save time and money in the future, since urgent maintenance of equipment in the event of a sudden breakdown is fraught with forced downtime of the device and higher costs for ordering spare parts.
We are ready to offer:
- On-site equipment diagnostics
- Complete diagnostics of the main nodes
- Minor repairs on site or at a service center
- Original spare parts available
- Preventive work
- Equipment cleaning
- Replacing worn parts