The goal of our company is comprehensive supplies of medical equipment, certified service and warranty service of professional medical equipment.

We strive to provide high-quality services with a high level of service. We are grateful to our customers for their trust and positive feedback about working together.

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About the operation of surgical instruments KLS MARTIN, Germany.
912284_10 : 100.4
LLC MSCh Neftyanik Tyumen
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology O. N. Zuban

About the test of the electro-surgical device-coagulator ME 402, MAXIUMM with a set of instruments, which was located on the BUSOO "KMHC MZOO" in the period from April 4 to April 15, 2011

926944_9 : 180.6
Deputy Chief Physician for Surgical Care V.V. Zaitsev